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Act III, Scene 2  A room in the castle

第二場 城堡中一室

[Enter OTHELLO, IAGO, and Gentlemen]

Othello. These letters give, Iago, to the pilot; And by him do my duties to the senate: That done, I will be walking on the works; Repair there to me. 

奧瑟羅 伊阿古,這幾封信你拿去交給舵師,叫他回去替我呈上元老院。我就在堡壘上走走!你把事情辦好以後,就到那邊來見我。 

Iago. Well, my good lord, I'll do't. 

伊阿古 是,主帥,我就去。

Othello. This fortification, gentlemen, shall we see't? 

奧瑟羅 各位,我們要不要去看看這兒的防務?

Gentleman. We'll wait upon your lordship. 
眾人 我們願意奉陪。(同下。)

[ 第三幕第一場 ] [ 第三幕第三場 ]