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Act V, Scene 2  A bedchamber in the castle

第二場 城堡中的臥室

DESDEMONA in bed asleep; a light burning.


Othello. It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul,—Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars!—It is the cause. Yet I'll not shed her blood; Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, And smooth as monumental alabaster. Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men. Put out the light, and then put out the light: If I quench thee, thou flaming minister, I can again thy former light restore, Should I repent me: but once put out thy light, Thou cunning'st pattern of excelling nature, I know not where is that Promethean heat That can thy light relume. When I have pluck'd the rose, I cannot give it vital growth again. It must needs wither: I'll smell it on the tree.
[Kissing her]
Ah balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword! One more, one more. Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after. One more, and this the last: So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears: this sorrow's heavenly;
It strikes where it doth love. She wakes. 


奧瑟羅 只是為了這一個原因,只是為了這一個原因,我的靈魂!純潔的星星啊,不要讓我向你們說出它的名字!只是為了這一個原因……可是我不願濺她的血,也不願毀傷她那比白雪更皎潔、比石膏更膩滑的肌膚。可是她不能不死,否則她將要陷害更多的男子。讓我熄滅了這一盞燈,然後我就熄滅你的生命的火焰。融融的燈光啊,我把你吹熄以後,要是我心生後悔,仍舊可以把你重新點亮;可是你,造化最精美的形象啊,你的火焰一旦熄滅,我不知道什麼地方有那天上的神火,能夠燃起你的原來的光彩!我摘下了薔薇,就不能再給它已失的生機,只好讓它枯萎彫謝;當它還在枝頭的時候,我要嗅一嗅它的芳香。(吻苔絲狄蒙娜)啊,甘美的氣息!你幾乎誘動公道的心,使她折斷她的利劍了!再一個吻,再一個吻。願你到死都是這樣;我要殺死你,然後再愛你。再一個吻,這是最後的一吻了;這樣銷魂,卻又是這樣無比的慘痛!我必須哭泣,然而這些是無情的眼淚。這一陣陣悲傷是神聖的,因為它要懲罰的正是它最疼愛的。她醒來了。 

Desdemona. Who's there? Othello? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 誰?奧瑟羅嗎? 

Othello. Ay. Desdemona. 

奧瑟羅 嗯,苔絲狄蒙娜。 

Desdemona. Will you come to bed, my lord? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 您要睡了嗎,我的主? 

Othello. Have you pray'd to-night, Desdemona? 

奧瑟羅 你今晚有沒有祈禱過,苔絲狄蒙娜? 

Desdemona. Ay, my lord. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 祈禱過了,我的主。 

Othello. If you bethink yourself of any crime Unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. 

奧瑟羅 要是你想到在你的一生之中,還有什麼罪惡不曾為上帝所寬宥,趕快懇求他的恩赦吧。

Desdemona. Alas, my lord, what do you mean by that? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 噯喲!我的主,您這句話是什麼意思? 

Othello. Well, do it, and be brief; I will walk by: I would not kill thy unprepared spirit; No; heaven forfend! I would not kill thy soul. 

奧瑟羅 嘿,祈禱吧,乾脆點兒;我就在一旁等著你。我不願殺害你的沒有準備的靈魂;不,上天禁止這種罪行!我不願殺害你的靈魂。 

Desdemona. Talk you of killing? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 您在說殺人的話嗎? 

Othello. Ay, I do.

奧瑟羅 嗯,是的。 

Desdemona. Then heaven Have mercy on me! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 那麼願上天垂憐於我! 

Othello. Amen, with all my heart! 

奧瑟羅 阿門,但願如此! 

Desdemona. If you say so, I hope you will not kill me. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 要是您這樣說,我希望您不至於把我殺死。 

Othello. Hum! 

奧瑟羅 哼!

Desdemona. And yet I fear you; for you are fatal then When your eyes roll so: why I should fear I know not, Since guiltiness I know not; but yet I feel I fear. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 可是我怕您;因為您的眼珠這樣滾轉的時候,您已經動了殺機。我不知道我為什麼害怕,因為我不知道我有什麼罪;可是我覺得害怕。 

Othello. Think on thy sins. 

奧瑟羅 想想你的罪惡吧。 

Desdemona. They are loves I bear to you.

苔絲狄蒙娜 除非我對您的愛是罪惡,我不知道我有什麼罪惡。 

Othello. Ay, and for that thou diest. 

奧瑟羅 好,你必須因此而死。 

Desdemona. That death's unnatural that kills for loving. Alas, why gnaw you so your nether lip? Some bloody passion shakes your very frame:
These are portents; but yet I hope, I hope, They do not point on me. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 為了愛而被殺,那樣的死是違反人情的。唉!您為什麼這樣咬著您的下唇呢?一種飲血的慾念震撼您的全身,這便是它的徵兆;可是我希望,我希望您的怒氣不是對我而發。 

Othello. Peace, and be still! 

奧瑟羅 閉嘴,不要作聲! 

Desdemona. I will so. What's the matter? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 是;可是請您告訴我究竟為了什麼事? 

Othello. That handkerchief which I so loved and gave thee Thou gavest to Cassio. 

奧瑟羅 你把我給你的那條我的心愛的手帕送給凱西奧。 

Desdemona. No, by my life and soul! Send for the man, and ask him. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 不,憑著我的生命和靈魂起誓!您叫他來問好了。 

Othello. Sweet soul, take heed, Take heed of perjury; thou art on thy deathbed. 

奧瑟羅 好人兒,留心不要發偽誓;你的死已在眼前了。 

Desdemona. Ay, but not yet to die. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 不,我現在還不能死。 

Othello. Yes, presently: Therefore confess thee freely of thy sin; For to deny each article with oath Cannot remove nor choke the strong conception That I do groan withal. Thou art to die. 

奧瑟羅 你必須立刻死,所以趕快坦白招認你的罪惡吧;即使你發誓否認每一件事實,也不能除去那使我痛心的堅強的確信。你必須死。 

Desdemona. Then Lord have mercy on me! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 那麼願上帝垂憐於我! 

Othello. I say, amen. 

奧瑟羅 阿門。 

Desdemona. And have you mercy too! I never did Offend you in my life; never loved Cassio But with such general warranty of heaven As I might love: I never gave him token. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 願您也大發慈悲!我生平從不曾得罪過您,也從不曾用上天所不容的非分的愛情濫施在凱西奧的身上;我沒有給過他什麼東西。

Othello. By heaven, I saw my handkerchief in's hand. O perjured woman! thou dost stone my heart, And makest me call what I intend to do A murder, which I thought a sacrifice: I saw the handkerchief. 

奧瑟羅 蒼天在上,我親眼看見我的手帕在他的手裡。欺罔神明的婦人!你使我的心變成堅硬;我本來想把你作為獻祭的犧牲,現在卻被你激起我的屠夫的惡念來了。我明明看見那手帕的。 

Desdemona. He found it then; I never gave it him: send for him hither; Let him confess a truth. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 那麼是他在什麼地方拾到的;我沒有給他。叫他到這兒來,讓他供認事實的真相。 

Othello. He hath confess'd. 

奧瑟羅 他已經承認了。 

Desdemona. What, my lord? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 承認什麼,我的主? 

Othello. That he hath used thee. 

奧瑟羅 承認他已經和你發生關係。 

Desdemona. How? unlawfully? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 怎麼?非法的關係嗎? 

Othello. Ay. 

奧瑟羅 嗯。 

Desdemona. He will not say so. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 他不會這樣說的。 

Othello. No, his mouth is stopp'd; Honest Iago hath ta'en order for't. 

奧瑟羅 是的,他的嘴已經閉住,正直的伊阿古已經把他解決了。 

Desdemona. O! my fear interprets: what, is he dead? 

苔絲狄蒙娜 啊,我的恐懼叫我明白過來了!什麼!他死了嗎? 

Othello. Had all his hairs been lives, my great revenge Had stomach for them all. 

奧瑟羅 即使他每一根頭髮裡都有生命,我的復仇的怒火也會把它們一起吞下。 

Desdemona. Alas! he is betray'd and I undone. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 唉!他被人陷害,我的一生也從此斷送了! 

Othello. Out, strumpet! weep'st thou for him to my face? 

奧瑟羅 不要臉的娼婦!你當著我的面為他哭泣嗎? 

Desdemona. O, banish me, my lord, but kill me not! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 啊,我的主,把我放逐,可是不要殺我! 

Othello. Down, strumpet! 

奧瑟羅 倒下,娼婦! 

Desdemona. Kill me to-morrow: let me live to-night! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 明天殺我,讓我活過今天! 

Othello. Nay, if you strive— 

奧瑟羅 不,要是你想掙扎—— 

Desdemona. But half an hour! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 給我半點鐘的時間! 

Othello. Being done, there is no pause. 

奧瑟羅 已經決定了,沒有挽回的餘地。 

Desdemona. But while I say one prayer! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 可是讓我作一次禱告吧! 

Othello. It is too late. 
[He stifles her]

奧瑟羅 太遲了。(扼苔絲狄蒙娜咽喉。) 

Emilia. [Within] My lord, my lord! what, ho! my lord, my lord! 

愛米利婭 (在內)將軍,將軍!喂!將軍,將軍! 

Othello. What noise is this? Not dead? not yet quite dead? I that am cruel am yet merciful; I would not have thee linger in thy pain: So, so. 

奧瑟羅 這是什麼聲音?沒有死嗎?還沒有完全死去嗎?我雖然狠心,卻還有幾分慈悲;我不願你多挨受一刻痛苦。好,好。(刺苔絲狄蒙娜。) 

Emilia. [Within] What, ho! my lord, my lord! 

愛米利婭 (在內)喂!將軍,將軍! 

Othello. Who's there? 

奧瑟羅 哪一個? 

Emilia. [Within] O, good my lord, I would speak a word with you! 

愛米利婭 (在內)啊,將軍!我要跟您說句話兒。 

Othello. Yes: 'tis Emilia. By and by. She's dead. 'Tis like she comes to speak of Cassio's death.—The noise was here. Ha! no more moving? Still as the grave. Shall she come in? were't good?— I think she stirs again:—no. What's best to do? If she come in, she'll sure speak to my wife: My wife! my wife! what wife? I have no wife. O insupportable! O heavy hour! Methinks it should be now a huge eclipse Of sun and moon, and that the affrighted globe Should yawn at alteration. 

奧瑟羅 是的,這是愛米利婭。——等一等。——她死了。她多半要來說起凱西奧的死。外邊已經聽得見嘈雜的聲音。嘿!一動也不動了嗎?像墳墓一樣沉寂。要不要讓她進來?妥當不妥當?我想她又在動了,不,怎麼辦呢?要是她進來,她一定要跟我的妻子說話。我的妻子!我的妻子!什麼妻子?我沒有妻子。啊,難堪!啊,不幸的時辰!我想現在日月應該晦暗不明,受驚的地球看見這種非常的災變,也要嚇得目瞪口呆。 

Emilia. [Within] I do beseech you That I may speak with you, O, good my lord! 

愛米利婭 (在內)啊,好將軍!請您讓我進來對您說句話兒。 

Othello. I had forgot thee: O, come in, Emilia; Soft; by and by. Let me the curtains draw. Where art thou?
[Unlocks the door]
[Enter EMILIA]
What's the matter with thee now? 

奧瑟羅 我忘記了。啊,進來,愛米利婭。慢點兒,等一等。讓我把帳幕拉下來。你在哪兒?(啟鎖開門。) 
奧瑟羅 什麼事? 

Emilia. O, my good lord, yonder's foul murders done! 

愛米利婭 啊,好將軍!那邊出了殺人命案啦! 

Othello. What, now? 

奧瑟羅 什麼!現在? 

Emilia. But now, my lord. 

愛米利婭 就是剛才,將軍。 

Othello. It is the very error of the moon; She comes more nearer earth than she was wont, And makes men mad. 

奧瑟羅 那都是因為月亮走錯了軌道,比平常更近地球,所以人們都發起瘋來了。 

Emilia. Cassio, my lord, hath kill'd a young Venetian Call'd Roderigo. 

愛米利婭 將軍,凱西奧殺死了一個名叫羅德利哥的威尼斯青年。

Othello. Roderigo kill'd! And Cassio kill'd! 

奧瑟羅 羅德利哥被殺了!凱西奧也被殺了嗎? 

Emilia. No, Cassio is not kill'd. 

愛米利婭 不,凱西奧沒有死。 

Othello. Not Cassio kill'd! then murder's out of tune, And sweet revenge grows harsh. 

奧瑟羅 凱西奧沒有死!那麼殺人認錯了對象,痛快的復仇又有了變卦啦。 

Desdemona. O, falsely, falsely murder'd! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 啊,死得好冤枉呀! 

Emilia. Alas, what cry is that? 

愛米利婭 噯喲!那是什麼呼聲? 

Othello. That! what? 

奧瑟羅 那!什麼? 

Emilia. Out, and alas! that was my lady's voice. Help! help, ho! help! O lady, speak again! Sweet Desdemona! O sweet mistress, speak! 

愛米利婭 噯喲!那是夫人的聲音。救命!救命啊!救命!啊,夫人,再說一聲話兒!親愛的苔絲狄蒙娜!啊,親愛的夫人,說呀!

Desdemona. A guiltless death I die. 

苔絲狄蒙娜 我是無罪而死的。 

Emilia. O, who hath done this deed? 

愛米利婭 啊!這是誰幹的事? 

Desdemona. Nobody; I myself. Farewell Commend me to my kind lord: O, farewell! 

苔絲狄蒙娜 誰也沒有干;是我自己。再會吧;替我向我的仁慈的夫君致意。啊,再會吧!(死。)

Othello. Why, how should she be murder'd? 

奧瑟羅 啊!她怎麼會被人殺死的? 

Emilia. Alas, who knows? 

愛米利婭 唉!誰知道? 

Othello. You heard her say herself, it was not I. 

奧瑟羅 你聽見她說是她自己,我沒有殺死她。 

Emilia. She said so: I must needs report the truth. 

愛米利婭 她是這樣說;我只好按照事實去報告。 

Othello. She's, like a liar, gone to burning hell: 'Twas I that kill'd her. 

奧瑟羅 她到地獄的火焰裡去,還不願說一句真話。殺死她的是我。 

Emilia. O, the more angel she, And you the blacker devil! 

愛米利婭 啊,那麼她尤其是一個天使,你尤其是一個黑心的魔鬼了! 

Othello. She turn'd to folly, and she was a whore. 

奧瑟羅 她幹了無恥的事,她是個淫婦。 

Emilia. Thou dost belie her, and thou art a devil. 

愛米利婭 你冤枉她,你是個魔鬼。 

Othello. She was false as water. 

奧瑟羅 她像水一樣輕浮。 

Emilia. Thou art rash as fire, to say That she was false: O, she was heavenly true! 

愛米利婭 你說她輕浮,你自己才像火一樣粗暴。啊,她是聖潔而忠貞的! 

Othello. Cassio did top her; ask thy husband else. O, I were damn'd beneath all depth in hell, But that I did proceed upon just grounds To this extremity. Thy husband knew it all. 

奧瑟羅 凱西奧和她通姦,不信你去問你的丈夫吧。啊,要是我採取這種極端的手段,並沒有正當的理由,死後就要永遠墮入地獄的底層!你的丈夫一切全都知道。 

Emilia. My husband! 

愛米利婭 我的丈夫! 

Othello. Thy husband. 

奧瑟羅 你的丈夫。 

Emilia. That she was false to wedlock? 

愛米利婭 他知道她不守貞節嗎? 

Othello. Ay, with Cassio. Nay, had she been true, If heaven would make me such another world Of one entire and Perfect chrysolite, I'ld not have sold her for it. 

奧瑟羅 喂,他知道她跟凱西奧有曖昧。嘿,要是她是個貞潔的婦人,即使上帝為我用一顆完整的寶石另外造一個世界,我也不願用她去交換。

Emilia. My husband! 

愛米利婭 我的丈夫! 

Othello. Ay, 'twas he that told me first: An honest man he is, and hates the slime That sticks on filthy deeds. 

奧瑟羅 嗯,他最初告訴我這件事。他是個正人君子,他痛恨卑鄙齷齪的行為。 

Emilia. My husband! 

愛米利婭 我的丈夫! 

Othello. What needs this iteration, woman? I say thy husband. 

奧瑟羅 婦人,為什麼把這句話說了又說呢?我是說你的丈夫。 

Emilia. O mistress, villany hath made mocks with love, My husband say that she was false! 

愛米利婭 啊,夫人!你因為多情,受了奸人的愚弄了!我的丈夫說她不貞! 

Othello. He, woman; I say thy husband: dost understand the word? My friend, thy husband, honest, honest Iago. 

奧瑟羅 正是他,婦人;我說你的丈夫;你懂得這句話嗎?我的朋友,你的丈夫,正直的、正直的伊阿古。 

Emilia. If he say so, may his pernicious soul Rot half a grain a day! he lies to the heart: She was too fond of her most filthy bargain. 

愛米利婭 要是他果然說了這樣的話,願他惡毒的靈魂每天一分一寸地糜爛!他全然胡說;她對於她的最卑鄙的男人是太癡心了。 

Othello. Ha! 

奧瑟羅 嘿! 

Emilia. Do thy worst: This deed of thine is no more worthy heaven Than thou wast worthy her. 

愛米利婭 隨你把我怎麼樣吧。你配不上這樣的好妻子,你這種行為是上天所不容的。 

Othello. Peace, you were best. 

奧瑟羅 還不閉嘴! 

Emilia. Thou hast not half that power to do me harm As I have to be hurt. O gull! O dolt! As ignorant as dirt! thou hast done a deed—I care not for thy sword; I'll make thee known, Though I lost twenty lives.—Help! help, ho! help! The Moor hath kill'd my mistress! Murder! murder! 
[Enter MONTANO, GRATIANO, IAGO, and others]

愛米利婭 你沒有半分力量可以傷害我;我的心碎了,還怕你什麼!啊,笨伯!傻瓜!泥土一樣蠢的傢伙!你已經做了一件大大不該的事——我不怕你的劍;我要宣佈你的罪惡,即使我將要因此而喪失二十條生命。救命!救命啊!救命!摩爾人殺死了夫人啦!殺了人啦!殺了人啦! 

Montano. What is the matter? How now, general! 

蒙太諾 什麼事?怎麼,將軍! 

Emilia. O, are you come, Iago? you have done well, That men must lay their murders on your neck. 

愛米利婭 啊!你來了嗎,伊阿古?你做得好事,人家都把殺人的罪名架在你頭上啦! 

Gratiano. What is the matter?

葛萊西安諾 什麼事? 

Emilia. Disprove this villain, if thou be'st a man: He says thou told'st him that his wife was false: I know thou didst not, thou'rt not such a villain:
Speak, for my heart is full. 

愛米利婭 你倘是個漢子,趕快否認這惡人所說的話吧;他說你告訴他他的妻子不貞。我知道你不會說這種話,你還不會是這樣一個惡人。說吧,我的心都要脹破了。 

Iago. I told him what I thought, and told no more Than what he found himself was apt and true. 

伊阿古 我不過把我自己的意思告訴他;我對他所說的話,已經由他自己證實了。 

Emilia. But did you ever tell him she was false? 

愛米利婭 可是你有沒有對他說她是不貞的? 

Iago. I did. 

伊阿古 我對他說過。 

Emilia. You told a lie, an odious, damned lie; Upon my soul, a lie, a wicked lie. She false with Cassio!—did you say with Cassio? 

愛米利婭 你說謊,一個可憎的、萬惡不赦的謊!憑著我的靈魂起誓,一個謊,一個罪惡的謊!她跟凱西奧私通!你說她跟凱西奧私通嗎? 

Iago. With Cassio, mistress. Go to, charm your tongue. 

伊阿古 跟凱西奧私通,太太。好了好了,收住你的舌頭吧。 

Emilia. I will not charm my tongue; I am bound to speak: My mistress here lies murder'd in her bed,— 

愛米利婭 我不願收住我的舌頭;我必須說話。夫人在這兒床上給人謀殺了。 

All. O heavens forfend! 

眾人 啊,哪會有這樣的事! 

Emilia. And your reports have set the murder on. 

愛米利婭 都是你造的謠言,引起這場血案。 

Othello. Nay, stare not, masters: it is true, indeed. 

奧瑟羅 各位不必驚慌;這事情是真的。 

Gratiano. 'Tis a strange truth. 

葛萊西安諾 真有這樣的事,那可奇了! 

Montano. O monstrous act! 

蒙太諾 啊,騙人的行為! 

Emilia. Villany, villany, villany! I think upon't, I think: I smell't: O villany!—I thought so then:—I'll kill myself for grief:—O villany, villany! 

愛米利婭 詭計!詭計!詭計!我現在想起來了;啊,詭計!那時候我就有些懷疑;我要傷心死了!啊,詭計!詭計! 

Iago. What, are you mad? I charge you, get you home. 

伊阿古 什麼!你瘋了嗎?快給我回家去! 

Emilia. Good gentlemen, let me have leave to speak: 'Tis proper I obey him, but not now. Perchance, Iago, I will ne'er go home. 

愛米利婭 各位先生,讓我有一個說話的機會。照理我應該服從他,可是現在卻不能服從他。也許,伊阿古,我永遠不再回家了。

Othello. O! O! O! 

[He falls on the bed]

奧瑟羅 啊!啊!啊!(撲臥床上。) 

Emilia. Nay, lay thee down and roar; For thou hast kill'd the sweetest innocent That e'er did lift up eye. 

愛米利婭 哼,你躺下來哭叫吧;因為你已經殺死一個世間最溫柔純潔的人。 

Othello. [Rising] O, she was foul! I scarce did know you, uncle: there lies your niece, Whose breath, indeed, these hands have newly stopp'd:
I know this act shows horrible and grim. 

奧瑟羅 啊,她是淫污的!我簡直不認識您啦,叔父。那邊躺著您的侄女,她的呼吸剛才被我這雙手扼斷;我知道這件行為在世人眼中看起來是驚人而慘酷的。 

Gratiano. Poor Desdemona! I am glad thy father's dead: Thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief Shore his old thread in twain: did he live now, This sight would make him do a desperate turn, Yea, curse his better angel from his side, And fall to reprobation.

葛萊西安諾 可憐的苔絲狄蒙娜!幸虧你父親已經死了;你的婚事是他的致死的原因,悲傷摧折了他的衰老的生命。要是他現在還活著,看見這種慘狀,一定會幹出一些瘋狂的事情來的;他會咒天罵地,趕走了身邊的守護神,毀滅了自己的靈魂。 

Othello. 'Tis pitiful; but yet Iago knows That she with Cassio hath the act of shame A thousand times committed; Cassio confess'd it: And she did gratify his amorous works With that recognizance and pledge of love Which I first gave her; I saw it in his hand: It was a handkerchief, an antique token My father gave my mother. 

奧瑟羅 這誠然是一件傷心的事;可是伊阿古知道她曾經跟凱西奧幹過許多回無恥的勾當,凱西奧自己也承認了。她還把我的定情禮物送給凱西奧,作為他慇勤獻媚的酬勞。我看見它在他的手裡;那是一方手帕,我的父親給我母親的一件古老的紀念品。 

Emilia. O heaven! O heavenly powers! 

愛米利婭 天啊!天上的神明啊! 

Iago. Come, hold your peace. 

伊阿古 算了,閉住你的嘴! 

Emilia. 'Twill out, 'twill out: I peace! No, I will speak as liberal as the north: Let heaven and men and devils, let them all, All, all, cry shame against me, yet I'll speak. 

愛米利婭 事情總會暴露的,事情總會暴露的。閉住我的嘴?不,不,我要像北風一樣自由地說話;讓天神、世人和魔鬼全都把我嘲罵羞辱,我也要說我的話。 

Iago. Be wise, and get you home. 

伊阿古 放明白一些,回家去吧。 

Emilia. I will not. 
[IAGO offers to stab EMILIA]

愛米利婭 我不願回家。(伊阿古拔劍欲刺愛米利婭。) 

Gratiano. Fie! Your sword upon a woman? 

葛萊西安諾 呸!你向一個婦人動武嗎? 

Emilia. O thou dull Moor! that handkerchief thou speak'st of I found by fortune and did give my husband; For often, with a solemn earnestness,
More than indeed belong'd to such a trifle, He begg'd of me to steal it. 

愛米利婭 你這愚笨的摩爾人啊!你所說起的那方手帕,是我偶然拾到,把它給了我的丈夫的;雖然那只是一件小小的東西,他卻幾次三番懇求我替他偷出來。 

Iago. Villanous whore! 

伊阿古 長舌的淫婦! 

Emilia. She give it Cassio! no, alas! I found it, And I did give't my husband. 

愛米利婭 她送給凱西奧!唉!不,是我拾到了,把它交給我的丈夫的。 

Iago. Filth, thou liest! 

伊阿古 賤人,你說謊!  

Emilia. By heaven, I do not, I do not, gentlemen. O murderous coxcomb! what should such a fool Do with so good a woman? 

愛米利婭 蒼天在上,我沒有說謊;我沒有說謊,各位先生。殺人的傻瓜啊!像你這樣一個蠢才,怎麼配得上這樣好的一位妻子呢?

Othello. Are there no stones in heaven But what serve for the thunder?—Precious villain! 

[He runs at IAGO IAGO, from behind, stabs EMILIA, and exit]

奧瑟羅 天上沒有石塊,可以像雷霆一樣打下來嗎?好一個奸賊!(向伊阿古撲奔;伊阿古刺愛米利婭逃下。) 

Gratiano. The woman falls; sure, he hath kill'd his wife. 

葛萊西安諾 這婦人倒下來了;他把他的妻子殺死了。 

Emilia. Ay, ay: O, lay me by my mistress' side. 

愛米利婭 是,是;啊!把我放在夫人的身旁吧! 

Gratiano. He's gone, but his wife's kill'd. 

葛萊西安諾 他走了,他的妻子給他殺了。 

Montano. 'Tis a notorious villain. Take you this weapon, Which I have here recover'd from the Moor: Come, guard the door without; let him not pass, But kill him rather. I'll after that same villain, For 'tis a damned slave. 

蒙太諾 這是一個罪大惡極的兇徒。你拿著我從這摩爾人手裡奪下來的劍。來,在門外看守好了,別讓他出去;他要是想逃走,儘管把他殺死。我要去追那惡人,那是一個不可寬恕的傢伙。(蒙太諾、葛萊西安諾下。) 

Othello. I am not valiant neither, But ever puny whipster gets my sword: But why should honour outlive honesty? Let it go all. 

奧瑟羅 我的勇氣也離我而去了,每一個孱弱的懦夫都可以奪下我的劍來。可是奸惡既然戰勝了正直,哪裡還會有榮譽存在呢?讓一切都歸於幻滅吧! 

Emilia. What did thy song bode, lady? Hark, canst thou hear me? I will play the swan. And die in music. 
Willow, willow, willow,—Moor, she was chaste; she loved thee, cruel Moor; So come my soul to bliss, as I speak true; So speaking as I think, I die, I die. 3605

愛米利婭 你的歌兒是一個讖兆嗎,夫人?聽,你聽沒聽見我的聲音?我要像天鵝一般在歌聲中死去2。(唱) 

Othello. I have another weapon in this chamber; It is a sword of Spain, the ice-brook's temper:—O, here it is. Uncle, I must come forth. 

奧瑟羅 我還有一柄劍在這屋子裡,那是一柄用冰泉的水所浸煉的西班牙寶劍。啊,在這兒!叔父,我一定要出來。 

Gratiano. [Within] If thou attempt it, it will cost thee dear: Thou hast no weapon, and perforce must suffer. 

葛萊西安諾 (在內)你要是敢試一試,就得付重大的代價;你沒有武器,只好屈服。 

Othello. Look in upon me then and speak with me, Or, naked as I am, I will assault thee. 
[Re-enter GRATIANO]

奧瑟羅 那麼進來瞧瞧我吧,我有話對你說;否則我雖然沒有武器,也只好不顧一切跟你拚一下了。 

Gratiano. What is the matter? 

葛萊西安諾 什麼事? 

Othello. Behold, I have a weapon; A better never did itself sustain Upon a soldier's thigh: I have seen the day, That, with this little arm and this good sword, I have made my way through more impediments Than twenty times your stop: but, O vain boast! Who can control his fate? 'tis not so now. Be not afraid, though you do see me weapon'd; Here is my journey's end, here is my butt, And very sea-mark of my utmost sail. Do you go back dismay'd? 'tis a lost fear; Man but a rush against Othello's breast, And he retires. Where should Othello go? Now, how dost thou look now? O ill-starr'd wench! Pale as thy smock! when we shall meet at compt, This look of thine will hurl my soul from heaven, And fiends will snatch at it. Cold, cold, my girl! Even like thy chastity. O cursed slave! Whip me, ye devils, From the possession of this heavenly sight! Blow me about in winds! roast me in sulphur! Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire! O Desdemona! Desdemona! dead! Oh! Oh! Oh!
[Enter LODOVICO. MONTANO, CASSIO carried in a chair, and Officers with IAGO, prisoner] 

奧瑟羅 瞧!我有一柄劍;從來沒有一個戰士佩帶過比這更好的劍;憑著這一條小小的胳臂和這一柄利劍,我曾經衝破二十倍於你們這樣人數的包圍;可是,無聊的誇口啊!誰能主宰他自己的命運呢?現在我已經沒有那樣的本領了。雖然你看我拿著武器,可是不用害怕,這兒是我的旅途的終點,我的航程的最後的目標。你嚇得退走了嗎?這是不必要的驚恐;誰只要拿一根燈草向奧瑟羅的胸前刺去,他也會向後退縮的。奧瑟羅應該到什麼地方去呢?——啊,讓我再看看你的臉吧,薄命的女郎!像你的襯衣一樣慘白!我們在天底對簿的時候,你這一副臉色就可以把我的靈魂趕下天堂,讓魔鬼把它抓去。你的全身冰冷,我的戀人!正像你的貞潔一樣凜若寒霜。啊,該死的、該死的奴才!魔鬼啊,把我從這天仙一樣美人的面前鞭逐出去吧!讓狂風把我吹捲、硫磺把我熏烤、沸湯的深淵把我沉浸吧!啊,苔絲狄蒙娜!苔絲狄蒙娜!死了!啊!啊!啊! 

Lodovico. Where is this rash and most unfortunate man? 

羅多維科 這鹵莽而不幸的人在哪兒? 

Othello. That's he that was Othello: here I am. 
奧瑟羅 那就是從前的奧瑟羅;我在這兒。 

Lodovico. Where is that viper? bring the villain forth. 

羅多維科 那條毒蛇呢?把這惡人帶上來。 

Othello. I look down towards his feet; but that's a fable. If that thou best a devil, I cannot kill thee. 
[Wounds IAGO]

奧瑟羅 據說魔鬼的腳是分趾的,讓我看看他的腳是不是這樣。要是你真的是一個魔鬼,我也不能殺死你。(刺傷伊阿古。) 

Lodovico. Wrench his sword from him. 

羅多維科 把他手裡的劍奪下來。 

Iago. I bleed, sir; but not kill'd. 

伊阿古 我不過流了點兒血,還沒有給他殺死。 

Othello. I am not sorry neither: I'ld have thee live; For, in my sense, 'tis happiness to die. 

奧瑟羅 那也好,我要你留著活命;因為在我看來,死倒是一樁幸福。 

Lodovico. O thou Othello, thou wert once so good, Fall'n in the practise of a damned slave, What shall be said to thee? 

羅多維科 啊,奧瑟羅!你本來是一個很好的漢子,卻會中一個萬惡的奸人的詭計,我們該說你什麼呢? 

Othello. Why, any thing: An honourable murderer, if you will; For nought I did in hate, but all in honour. 

奧瑟羅 隨便你們怎麼說吧;要是你們願意,不妨說我是一個正直的兇手,因為我所幹的事,都是出於榮譽的觀念,不是出於猜嫌的私恨。 

Lodovico. This wretch hath part confess'd his villany: Did you and he consent in Cassio's death? 

羅多維科 這惡人已經承認了一部分他的奸謀;殺死凱西奧是你跟他同謀的嗎? 

Othello. Ay. 

奧瑟羅 是的。 

Cassio. Dear general, I never gave you cause. 

凱西奧 主帥,我從來不曾得罪過您。 

Othello. I do believe it, and I ask your pardon. Will you, I pray, demand that demi-devil Why he hath thus ensnared my soul and body? 

奧瑟羅 我相信你的話;願你原諒我吧。你們問一問那個頂著人頭的惡魔,為什麼他要這樣陷害我的靈魂和肉體? 

Iago. Demand me nothing: what you know, you know: From this time forth I never will speak word. 

伊阿古 什麼也不要問我;你們所知道的,你們已經知道了;從這一刻起,我不再說一句話。 

Lodovico. What, not to pray? 

羅多維科 什麼!你也不要祈禱嗎? 

Gratiano. Torments will ope your lips. 

葛萊西安諾 酷刑可以逼你開口。 

Othello. Well, thou dost best. 

奧瑟羅 嘿,你這是最好的辦法。 

Lodovico. Sir, you shall understand what hath befall'n, Which, as I think, you know not. Here is a letter Found in the pocket of the slain Roderigo; And here another: the one of them imports The death of Cassio to be undertook By Roderigo. 

羅多維科 將軍,一切經過,你將會明白的,我相信你現在還一點也不知道。這是從已死的羅德利哥衣袋裡搜到的一封信;這兒還有一封;其中一封信裡說到殺死凱西奧的事情由羅德利哥動手執行。 

Othello. O villain! 

奧瑟羅 啊,奸賊! 

Cassio. Most heathenish and most gross! 

凱西奧 野蠻殘忍的陰謀! 

Lodovico. Now here's another discontented paper, Found in his pocket too; and this, it seems, Roderigo meant to have sent this damned villain; But that belike Iago in the interim Came in and satisfied him. 

羅多維科 這兒還有從他的衣袋裡找到的一封充滿怨言的信,看來好像是羅德利哥預備寄給這個萬惡的奸人的;可是信還沒有寄出,伊阿古就給了他回答了。 

Othello. O the pernicious caitiff! How came you, Cassio, by that handkerchief That was my wife's? 

奧瑟羅 啊,惡毒的奸賊!凱西奧,我的妻子的手帕怎麼會到你手裡的? 

Cassio. I found it in my chamber: And he himself confess'd but even now That there he dropp'd it for a special purpose Which wrought to his desire. 

凱西奧 我在我的房間裡找到它;他剛才已經親口承認是他有意把它丟在那裡的,借此可以達到他自己的圖謀。 

Othello. O fool! fool! fool! 

奧瑟羅 啊,傻瓜!傻瓜!傻瓜! 

Cassio. There is besides in Roderigo's letter, How he upbraids Iago, that he made him Brave me upon the watch; whereon it came That I was cast: and even but now he spake, After long seeming dead, Iago hurt him, Iago set him on. 

凱西奧 在羅德利哥的信裡,他又埋怨伊阿古不該攛掇他在我值夜的時候向我尋事;我就是為了那一回事情而去職的。就在剛才,他從長時間的昏迷中醒了過來,還說起他一切都受伊阿古的指使,結果卻是伊阿古傷了他的生命。 

Lodovico. You must forsake this room, and go with us: Your power and your command is taken off, And Cassio rules in Cyprus. For this slave,
If there be any cunning cruelty That can torment him much and hold him long, It shall be his. You shall close prisoner rest, Till that the nature of your fault be known To the Venetian state. Come, bring him away. 

羅多維科 你必須離開這所屋子,跟我們去;你的軍隊和兵權必須全部交卸,讓凱西奧主持塞浦路斯的軍政重務。對於這一個傢伙,我們將要用一切巧妙的酷刑加在他的身上,使他遍受種種的痛苦,而不至於立刻死去。我們還要把你嚴密監禁,等候威尼斯政府判決你的罪狀。來,把他帶下去。 

Othello. Soft you; a word or two before you go. I have done the state some service, and they know't. No more of that. I pray you, in your letters,
When you shall these unlucky deeds relate, Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate, Nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak Of one that loved not wisely but too well; Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought Perplex'd in the extreme; of one whose hand, Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away Richer than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes, Albeit unused to the melting mood, Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees Their medicinal gum. Set you down this; And say besides, that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turban'd Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took by the throat the circumcised dog, And smote him, thus. 
[Stabs himself]

奧瑟羅 且慢,在你們未走以前,再聽我說一兩句話。我對於國家曾經立過相當的功勞,這是執政諸公所知道的;那些話現在也不用說了。當你們把這種不幸的事實報告他們的時候,請你們在公文上老老實實照我本來的樣子敘述,不要徇情回護,也不要惡意構陷;你們應當說我是一個在戀愛上不智而過於深情的人;一個不容易發生嫉妒的人,可是一旦被人煽動以後,就會糊塗到極點;一個像印度人一樣糊塗的人,會把一顆比他整個部落所有的財產更貴重的珍珠隨手拋棄;一個不慣於流婦人之淚的人,可是當他被感情征服的時候,也會像湧流著膠液的阿拉伯膠樹一般兩眼氾濫。請你們把這些話記下,再補充一句說:在阿勒坡地方,曾經有一個裹著頭巾的敵意的土耳其人毆打一個威尼斯人,誹謗我們的國家,那時候我就一把抓住這受割禮的狗子的咽喉,就這樣把他殺了。(以劍自刎。) 

Lodovico. O bloody period! 

羅多維科 啊,慘酷的結局! 

Gratiano. All that's spoke is marr'd. 

葛萊西安諾 一切說過的話,現在又要顛倒過來了。 

Othello. I kiss'd thee ere I kill'd thee: no way but this; Killing myself, to die upon a kiss. 
[Falls on the bed, and dies]

奧瑟羅 我在殺死你以前,曾經用一吻和你訣別;現在我自己的生命也在一吻裡終結。(倒撲在苔絲狄蒙娜身上,死。) 

Cassio. This did I fear, but thought he had no weapon; For he was great of heart. 

凱西奧 我早就擔心會有這樣的事發生,可是我還以為他沒有武器;他的心地是光明正大的。 

Lodovico. [To IAGO] O Spartan dog, More fell than anguish, hunger, or the sea! Look on the tragic loading of this bed; This is thy work: the object poisons sight; Let it be hid. Gratiano, keep the house, And seize upon the fortunes of the Moor, For they succeed on you. To you, lord governor, Remains the censure of this hellish villain; The time, the place, the torture: O, enforce it! Myself will straight aboard: and to the state
This heavy act with heavy heart relate. 

羅多維科 (向伊阿古)你這比痛苦、飢餓和大海更凶暴的猛犬啊!瞧瞧這床上一雙浴血的屍身吧;這是你幹的好事。這樣傷心慘目的景象,趕快把它遮蓋起來吧。葛萊西安諾,請您接收這一座屋子;這摩爾人的全部家產,都應該歸您繼承。總督大人,怎樣處置這一個惡魔般的奸徒,什麼時候,什麼地點,用怎樣的刑法,都要請您全權辦理,千萬不要寬縱他!我現在就要上船回去稟明政府,用一顆悲哀的心報告這一段悲哀的事故。(同下。) 


[ 第五幕第一場 ]