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Act II, Scene 2  A street.

第二場 街道

[Enter a Herald with a proclamation; People following]
Herald. It is Othello's pleasure, our noble and valiant general, that, upon certain tidings now arrived, importing the mere perdition of the Turkish fleet, every man put himself into triumph; some to dance, some to make bonfires, each man to what sport and revels his addiction leads him: for, besides these beneficial news, it is the celebration of his nuptial. So much was his pleasure should be proclaimed. All offices are open, and there is full liberty of feasting from this present hour of five till the bell have told eleven. Heaven bless the isle of Cyprus and our noble general Othello! 

傳令官 我們尊貴英勇的元帥奧瑟羅有令,根據最近接到的消息,土耳其艦隊已經全軍覆沒,全體軍民聽到這一個捷音,理應同伸慶祝:跳舞的跳舞,燃放焰火的燃放焰火,每一個人都可以隨他自己的高興盡情歡樂;因為除了這些可喜的消息以外,我們同時還要祝賀我們元帥的新婚。公家的酒窖、伙食房,一律開放;從下午五時起,直到深夜十一時,大家可以縱情飲酒宴樂。上天祝福塞浦路斯島和我們尊貴的元帥奧瑟羅!(同下。)

[ 第二幕第一場 ] [ 第二幕第三場 ]