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2020/06/15(3434.6)(82.3)(22) (影評)"人生消極掰"(Richard Says Goodbye)是一部非常好看的電影. 可能是由於年紀的關係. 劇中的男主角年紀跟小鴨差不多. 會遇到的人生問題自然也差異不大. 看到主角的各種行事作風...... 如果小鴨遇到一樣的事情.... 有一個虔誠的基督徒的老婆在自己知道自己大概只剩下六個月生命的時候跟自己告白已經跟自己的上司出軌了. 知道了這個消息的男主角反而很平靜. 有種債多不愁的灑脫. 反而不用思考如何跟家人說再見. 反而很開心自己老婆的感情有了歸宿. 讓自己少了一個需要煩惱的問題. 看著主角固執的不想讓其他人知道自己的脆弱.... 有點像是那本"最後的十四堂課"那本書裡面的景象. 而快死了的自己....可以好好的選擇自己想要的人生跟學生. 把自己的所有.....濃縮成一堂課.... 電影本身的篇幅不長. 讓小鴨有種意猶未盡的感覺. 好想再多看一些..... 但是導演似乎很熟悉冰山理論..... 只露出剛好的部分,其他就讓觀影者自己腦補. 到了最後.....導演跟電影"浩劫重生"(Cast Away)的主角一樣...來到了一個三叉路口.象徵人生的選擇..... 而主角....選擇了自己闖出一條自己的新路. 電影的主軸很接近小鴨念書時候聽到的一首歌"Live Like you are dying". 不過對比那首歌,小鴨更喜歡這部電影中主角所做出的一切. 很坦誠地去面對自己. 並不要求各種原諒跟理解. 只是誠實的探入自己的內心世界. 既然要走,那不如好好的活過再走. Tim McGraw He said I was in my early forties, with a lot of life before me 他對我說起他的故事:『那年我也才四十出頭而已,我知道已不年輕,但是未來應該還很長啊』 And one moment came that stopped me on a dime→Stop on a dime 突然間,那件惡耗就這樣發生了 I spent most of the next days, looking at the x-rays 我在醫院,傻傻地盯著我的X光片 Talking bout' the options and talking bout' sweet times. 和醫生討論我還有什麼選擇,那時,我也想起從前甜蜜的時光 I asked him when it sank in, that this might really be the real end 接著我又問他,當這種絕症發生在你身上時 How's it hit 'cha when you get that kind of news? 你心中作何感想呢? Man what did ya do? 你會怎麼辦? He said 他說 I went skydiving 知道診斷結果後,我去跳傘了 I went rocky mountain climbing 我還爬上偉大的洛磯山 I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu 我使盡吃奶的力氣,好不容易騎上福滿秋那隻野牛,撐了2.7秒 And I loved deeper 我開始用心去愛別人 And I spoke sweeter 我開始在意別人的感受,我願意說好話 And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin' 我也原諒了那些人 And he said some day I hope you get the chance 有一天,我希望你也能把握當下好好活著 To live like you were dyin' 把每一天,都當成生命中的最後一天來過 He said I was finally the husband, that most the time I wasn't 他說:我終於像個老公了 And I became a friend, a friend would like to have 我也願意當別人的好朋友 And all of a sudden goin' fishin, wasn't such an imposition 突然間,和我爸去釣魚,也不再是苦差事了 And I went three times that year I lost my dad 我爸爸過世的那一年,我去了那條溪三次,希望能感覺到他還存在 Well I finally read the good book, and I took a good long hard look 我終於把一本好書給看完了,我看著一切的美景 At what I'd do if I could do it all again 我心中想著,我是否還有機會再看到它們呢? And then 還有 I went skydiving 我去跳傘 I went rocky mountain climbing 我去爬偉大的洛磯山 I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu 我騎上福滿秋那隻野牛,撐了2.7秒 And I loved deeper 我用心去愛別人 And I spoke sweeter 我知道要在意別人的感受,我願意說好話 And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin' 我也原諒了那些人 And he said some day I hope you get the chance 有一天,我希望你也能把握當下好好活著 To live like you were dying 把每一天,都當成生命中的最後一天來過 Like tomorrow was the gift 我心中想著,明天就像是上帝的禮物 And ya got eternity to think about what to do with it 你可以一直想,明天我要作做什麼好,沒人會奪走你的明天 What should you do with it 明天我應該做什麼? What can I do with it 明天我可以做什麼? What would I do with it 我們可以利用明天來做什麼呢? I went skydiving 我終於去跳傘了 I went rocky mountain climbing 我曾爬上偉大的洛磯山 I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu 我騎上福滿秋那隻瘋牛,撐了2.7秒 And I loved deeper 我用心去愛別人 And I spoke sweeter 我在意別人的感受,我願意說好話 Watched the eagles as they flying 我用心欣賞生命中的奇景,老鷹飛翔的英姿 And he said some day I hope you get the chance 有一天,我希望你也能把握當下好好活著 To live like you were dying 把每一天,都當成生命中的最後一天來過 |