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"What wrong with all the computers?" I asked my roomie who crushed on a cs guy(i.e Computer Science guy. Well, especially 

those ones that in 'the Best CS program in Canada' in Waterloo. Refer to those very very weird freaks. ) 

"Well, computers are fine. But what wrong with all these cs guys? " she partially answered the quesion while looking at the

computer and deciding if she should msg the guy or not. (And because of all the calculus I did all the morning, 

when look at the word 'partial' I just think of partial sum.)

"There is nothing wrong with cs guys, they are just as stupid as computers." And I look at my computer screen. 

'ArrayOutOfBoundException', JavaBuilder told me in a pretty nice looking msgbox. "MAN!!" I shout, "I can never 

understand how computers think!!"

"Be quiet!!", my roomie shout back, " told you to drop cs. "

"But I LOVE cs though. cs is fun!!" I tried to say it in the same facial expression that my cute cs TA showed me last term. 

"Marsha, now you looked as weird as your mathie friends." she said (mathie, i.e. those people who "live" in the wierd 

"Math and Computing Centre" Those 'interesting' people who always want to prove a theory that you don't know what that is about.)

"Yh, maybe I should have gone to cs. heehee." And I remember what you told me that night.

"I like cs, but I don't like it that much." You said and grin. 

"Well, that's why I am in physics right now." I said and smile. I looked at your eyes which is as shining as the first day when 

you looked into my eyes. And that are the eyes that caught my eyes.

"Marsha!!" my roomie called.

"Well, I am sorry. It's just another endless loop that confused me." Endless loop, well, I don't know why I said that. 

But guys are just those stupid computers that runs endless loop and I really don't know how to deal with it. 

The only thing I can do is just sitting in front of a computer and try to put some lines in the code and guess what happens with 

the whole thing.

Guys are like computers, or computers are like guys. I don't know.

The thing that I am pretty sure is that I like computer science but I am doing very poorly on it.

Is that a good thing or not?

Computer is just computer.


(編按:...well well well,神造人的時候,是依照祂的形象來造人的,所以當男人製造電腦的時候,把它們的想法丟進電腦裡
