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Biter What i have learned from being in University of Waterloo for 4 terms: 1. the term "being bitter" 2. never take a 8 30 morning class. 3. you are going to sleep through the first class in the morning, no matter how late that class might be. 4. GUYS ARE TROUBLES! 5. never start the relationship during finals (or before any big exams, ex:tofel) 6. a CS course counts as two courses. 7. don't touch C if you don't have to. 8. don't take night class in the winter term 9. sometimes it makes the course easier if you don't go to lectures. 10. a hot prof (or TA or a very cute guy in the class, etc.) makes the course much easier. 11. you will eventually get used to the routine: like someone=>date someone=>get a boyfriend=>things get ugly=>break up=>like someone else.... 12. calculus is always a bird course. 13. SNOW SUCKS 14. guys in DP( the Arties' library) are better looking than guys in DC (the mashies and engines' library). 15. (sorry i really have to say this) there is no hot guy in MC (math and computing building). 16. it takes mommy 10+ years of practice to cook like what she does now. 17. it makes life easier to be bitter. 18. the percentage of class attended is directly proportional to the final mark, exception: see # 9. 19. rules for quantum: don't ask, don't think, don't answer, just compute. 20. it is possible to be too lazy to eat. 21. it is possible to be too tired to sleep. 22. how can people live without internet? 23. it is hard to gain weight. refer to # 20 24. one can sleep forever. 25. it is easier to do some homework when you are drunk. see# 7 26. "i haven't start to procrastinate yet." 27. it's not that hard to ace the midterm and fail the final. 28. it's impossible to fail the midterm and ace the final. 29. try not to deal with people in math undergrad office, science undergrad office, needle's hall (register's office) or immigration canada if you don't have to. 30. remember to bring calculator, westward, a pencil and a eraser to the final. 31. "physics is like sex. it has its practical uses, but that's not why people do it." 32. it's better to have a bf in the winter than the summer. 33. get a good eye gel for the dark circle 34. people don't care about how they look in waterloo. 35. there are people who don't eat, sleep, or shower. 36. there are some non-human beings in class. 37. a "guy that interested" drag the final mark down by 5+%. see # 4, 5 38. coffee don't really work. a good-looking guy works better. 39. make friends with people who cook, have cars, do their homeworks, and have old labs. 40. it's easier to get used to be single than to get used to be with someone. 41. don't buy things that you won't use for more than once a week. 42. it's so easy to make a friend and yet so hard to cut someone off your life. 43. if i had a choice, i would rather have you as a good friend forever than have you as a boyfriend for three months. 44. don't touch any Chinese or Japanese food in waterloo. 45. how can people live without ICQ/msn? 46. go to http://www.ratemyprofessors.com before do course selection. 47. it is very very important to find a good partner for any labs! 48. it is easy to spend two months rent in a one-day-shopping-in-Toronto. 49. it is impossible to get up before noon on weekend/holidays. 50. it is because people around you are smart, not that you are stupid. 51. it is possible that you get lower percentage on an hw than the hour you spend on it. 52. it hurts a lot to refuse someone. 53. i think too much. |